Naloxone Training

Please join us for a free virtual naloxone training in April 2021. We encourage community members from around the state to join us and learn how to save a life from an opioid overdose. Naloxone is legal for all of us to have in Utah. We’ll even send a free Naloxone face mask for joining us. Spanish interpretation will be available.

Basic Naloxone training for community members to learn how to use a Naloxone Rescue Kit to rescue someone from an opioid overdose (pain pills, heroin, fentanyl). Pre-register for the training event, attend the virtual training, and we will send you a free injectable naloxone rescue kit, Utah Naloxone mask and bumper/window sticker so folks know you are prepared to save a life around you.

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April 15, 2021 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Utah Naloxone and Utah Syringe Exchange Network
Virtual via Zoom

Register at: